Friday, October 23, 2009

Zone 2- Summary of Global Polls- Week # 89, Dated 7th-11th Oct. 09'

Africa-Global Poll

Asian Nations—but Not Japan—among World’s Most Confident Consumers: Global Poll
(Globescan) Consumers in the Asia-Pacific region are among the most confident in the world as economic recovery starts to take hold, a new GlobeScan poll across 22 countries finds. But the Japanese, who are deeply pessimistic about the future, are the exception.
October 16, 2009

The complete detailed weekly reports of the project can be found on theGilani Research Foundation website.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Zone 2- Summary of Global Polls- Week # 88


Optimism reaches a high but thought of emigration stay the same
(TNS Research Surveys) Majority of South Africans feel positive about the direction of their country but every fourth of them also desires to migrate abroad.
September 30, 2009

Global Poll

Muslims Integrated, Europeans Themselves Isolated[1]
(Gallup Coexist Index) Gallup Coexist Index finds that the general public in France, Germany and UK is more likely than its respective Muslim population to be classified as isolated. Americans and Canadians tops the list of integrated publics while in Asia Afghanistan and Israel has the highest number of isolated.